Assignment 1: Death of a Cabbage

TASK: Develop a short finished animation drawing on what you have learned so far.
Make a short animated video using movement to express both compelling force and resistance to it.
Use the way objects move to express these two very different states. You can extend one of the project films that you have made thus far, or start an entirely new film and use any technique you like. Your animation can be abstract or figurative, silent or with sound, but it must express the two opposing processes through the animated movement alone.
It is recommended that you start this project by:
● Imagining or observing force and resistance. For example, by looking at how things drop and collide, roll and swerve, bounce and squash, teeter and fall, shoot and ricochet, etc.
● Starting to make sketches, taking photographs and making small models.
● At the same time, trying out small animated sketches, loops or GIF’s to explore movement and ideas of texture, setting and lighting.
Bring this material together and work on rough storyboards, diagrams or other description of how you will approach the shoot and your ideas for your animation.
Your short animation can be approximately a minute in length but it can be shorter than this. It doesn’t matter how short or basic your animation is. The main thing is to communicate a sense of movement and to enjoy the process of creating movement through animation.
Upload your preparatory material to your learning log along with your finished animation. Reflect on your first assignment and your learning as a whole. What do you think you have gained and what could you develop further?

Stop Motion Studio sequence from iPad exported from Premiere at H264 low bitrate.
First edit in Adobe Premiere