Zemni Moving Image
Zemni Moving Image
1: The Basics of Animated Movement
2: Invention, Plasticity and Visual Music
3: Animation and Non-Fiction
4: Digital Animation and Visual Culture
E4.1: Sizewell Apocalypse: Compositing I: cinemagraph
E4.2 Teeto times 2: Compositing II: Masks and Mattes
E4.3: Monochrome Abstractions: Compression
E4.4: Dog Dance: Erasure, Refocus
E4.5: Lockdown Glitches: Emergent Effects
Assignment 4: Creation Art Effects: animated video essay
5: Screening and Exhibitions
Rotoscope techniques: After FX
using the rotobrush and refine edge tools. For situations where the subject has high contrasr witg background. Still need to go through frame by frame.
using mocha AE. Place points and keyframes as far apart as possible. Start by targeting points where the mask is furthest off. Then move inwards with interpolation. The fewer keyframes the better to make interpolation as smooth as possible.
December 26, 2020
Linda Mayoux
In Process