Project Tag: TVpaint

  • Assignment 2: Seasonal Synaesthesia: Summer 2020

    Assignment 2: Seasonal Synaesthesia: Summer 2020

    TASK: Make a short animated film between 1 and 3 minutes long about a season of the year. Use some of the animation techniques covered thus far in the unit to evoke particular qualities such as temperature, light and atmosphere of winter, spring, autumn or summer. This can be a completely abstract film, or include…

  • E2.12: Choreography, animation sketch

    E2.12: Choreography, animation sketch

    There is a strong relationship of mutual influence between cinema and dance. Both art forms seek to communicate with an audience through movement, syncopation, shape and rhythm. Walk cycles and movement are a key part of my work for my Visual Research module, creating animations in TVpaint based on community drawings. That research is still…

  • E2.11: Setting Rules, animatic

    E2.11: Setting Rules, animatic

    “Serial art is art that adheres to a strict set of rules to determine its composition or to determine a series of compositions…. Some serial artworks are modular and are based on the repetition of a standard unit, like Andy Warhol’s soup cans or Joseph Alber’s coloured squares, while others offer variations on a theme,…

  • E2.7-2.10: Pose to Pose Animation

    E2.7-2.10: Pose to Pose Animation

    Direct animationvs Pose to Pose Direct animation ‘Direct’ animation is an open-ended ‘adventure’ that starts by drawing, sculpting or photographing the first frame of the animation and then capturing each subsequent frame, progressively building up movement sequentially. This is the workflow of animation methods like Stop Motion and the Visual Music experiments. Although the process…

  • E2.5: Sound and Image animatic: Summertime

    E2.5: Sound and Image animatic: Summertime

    Visual Music “All of a sudden it hit me – if there was such a thing as composing music, there could be such a thing as composing motion. After all, there are melodic figures, why can’t there be figures of motion?” Len Lye, edited by Roger Horrocks and Wystan Curnow, Figures of Motion (1984)Auckland University…