Zemni Moving Image
Zemni Moving Image
1: The Basics of Animated Movement
2: Invention, Plasticity and Visual Music
3: Animation and Non-Fiction
4: Digital Animation and Visual Culture
E4.1: Sizewell Apocalypse: Compositing I: cinemagraph
E4.2 Teeto times 2: Compositing II: Masks and Mattes
E4.3: Monochrome Abstractions: Compression
E4.4: Dog Dance: Erasure, Refocus
E4.5: Lockdown Glitches: Emergent Effects
Assignment 4: Creation Art Effects: animated video essay
5: Screening and Exhibitions
Research 3.3: Landscape animators
Ataru Sakagami, A Place to Name (2015)
Jane Aaron, Set In Motion (1987)
Jane Aaron, Traveling Light (1985)
Jane Cheadle, Sharks (2008)
Anne Harild, Tobacna Mesto (2017)
March 30, 2020
Linda Mayoux
3_Animation and Non-Fiction
In Process