Category: 1_The Basics of Animated Movement

  • Peter Millard Peter Millard is a London-based animator. He creates his absurdist animations on paper (all recycled) with oil bar and paint. Then he scans the large images in with a large scanner, sizes them up in After Effects before using Premiere Pro to edit. 

  • Research 1.6: Observing replacement animation

    TASK: Find examples of replacement animation to consider. Write short reviews accompanied by any screenshots or drawing onto your learning log that reflects on the meaning that is created through the use and disruption of eye-trace/registration. As a starting point, look at the following animations: Paul Bush, Furniture Poetry (2000) Jonathan Hodgson, Rug (2015) Lisa…

  • Research 1.5: Observing emotion

    TASK: View the following animated shorts with the sound turned off. Write a paragraph on the emotional impact of three of the films. Identify the animation techniques used and the degree to which the emotional effects are achieved through the approach to movement. Theno play each with the sound turned on and note whether the…

  • Research 1.4: Materials that move

    TASK: Stop-frame animation involves the application of a movement to inanimate materials and objects. Animators such as Jan Svankmajer and The Brothers Quay make use of this technique to an unsettling, uncanny effect. Whereas artists Fischli & Weiss and architects Charles & Ray Eames apply movement to objects and materials but they do not animate…

  • Research 1.3: Observing ‘Scratch video’

    TASK: Scratch video manipulates the order of the frames in a filmed sequence. The film Death Valley Days: Secret Love, cited in the previous research task is an example of ‘scratch video’. Look at the following examples and consider whether scratch video can be a form of animation or not, and what it can offer…

  • Research 1.2: Observing ‘Cycles’

    TASK Watch and compare the animated shorts below. Pay attention to the technique used by each animator as well as the reasons why the cycles are obscured or accentuated. Make notes on the variation of the cycles that are used. Can you identify the different ways that the animations are made? Write this up onto…

  • Research 1.1: Observing ‘Boil’

    ‘Boil’ is the term used to describe an animated effect in which the outlines or surface of an otherwise still character or object are made to wiggle or quiver in drawn animation. Even when an object, character or scene is at rest it is not still or motionless, it ‘boils’.This is often achieved by the…

  • Kevin Parry

    Stop Motion magic

  • Cut paper animation

  • Stop Motion Studio iPad

    Issues Do I lock WB/exposure settings. Does that depend how I am bringing objects in and out? What isvthe best interval timer setting – 15fps? For what types of movement?. Or use remote? Backdrop/lighting. Pro version has greenscreen. Lego animation Effects Audio